Saturday, October 30, 2010

Are we there yet?

So the plan was to go to bed...but I couldn't so here we are. Hi.

There seems to be a common thread in my life about what I'm supposed to learn right now, I know what you're thinking I thought she had everything mastered what could she possibly have to learn, not so. I have a lot to learn about life and other stuff. What's this times theme: Patience. I have to have a lot of patience in a lot of things right now it seems like, and it's not even things that know I need to have patience for, if that even makes sense.

If it was up to me that wouldn't be the lesson of the moment, I'm pretty patient already don't need to learn it anymore thanks. :) If I were going to choose it would about I don't even know, something fun like foosball. haha Anyway the point is, I'm becoming a very patient person and it's really hard a lot of the time, but on the upside (because there's always an upside right?) it's also making life a lot easier a majority of the time which is a big plus.

I'm also learning a lot about communication, turns out I kind of have sucked at it in the past. But don't you think life would be a lot easier if people just came out and said exactly what they were thinking? I think we make stuff harder than it needs to be aka work, relationships, mostly dating. haha If you just would talk to each other and knew what was going on the things that you don't like or are that are going crappy in your opinion could be solved. Let's face it sometimes things are just peachy, but a lot of times they could be if you knew the facts. It used to make me really sick to my stomach and give me a lot of anxiety but I'm working on it and it's going really well so far, I haven't even gotten sick. Win.

On a final note, I've thought a lot about life and I how I thought it would go. The things I at the time I thought I wanted, ps I would so be married by now and probably have some little children, thank goodness it wasn't up to me. Wow, that sounds really weird. But think about it you've dated someone and it feels just great and you think ok here we go, time for marriage. Sometimes it isn't right, you may want it but you don't need it. So here's to getting what you need, and working on the things you need to have. So in a few words, no we're not there yet. But we're on the right track...? Unless there was some road sign we missed along the way. (Don't worry there wasn't)

This is totally one of those posts that probably doesn't ever need to be welcome to my online journal, one day we'll look back at this and laugh.


  1. Amen sista. You are great!! lets hang out. soon.

  2. You're great. Ps. You have my number...I don't know why you don't use it...
